Thursday, November 17, 2011

Havre School Funding Issues Being Presented in Helena Today

We just received the following information from one of our readers that we thought you may be interested in watching firsthand how these committees work

The Montana State Education Interim Committee is meeting today in Helena. Representative Kris Hansen is a member of this committee and she called to let Havre people know that Havre Superintendent Andy Carlson will be addressing the committee at approximately 2:30 pm this afternoon in regards to some of the problems and issues we have in Havre.

This meeting is in progress and can be viewed via a live video stream. You can watch the proceedings at this link

You will need Real Player to view the video which can be downloaded free from the State website or an audio only version is also available. Forward this on to anyone you think may be interested.


  1. It may be on Bresnan/Optimum channel 70.

  2. I caught the tail end of the live feed but it kept disconnecting me from the meeting so I missed a bunch. Looked like just a big crowd of superintendents that wanted more money with less oversight

  3. I’ve met and visited with Representative Hanson and she has her heart and soul in the school funding. Now if the powers to be and the teacher union leave she and the Rep. from Conrad do their jobs there will be progress.
