Thursday, January 26, 2012

State Employees May Still Get Raises in Spite of the Legislature

After we published a post back on January 20th about the Fish, Wildlife and Parks giving rather large pay increases to select FWP employees one of our readers sent us a link to the following news report by Marnee Banks from KXLH News in Helena.

Even though the legislature voted to not increase any State employee wages this last session some agencies are authorizing pay increases using the State’s Broadband pay plan to get around keeping employees at status quo. The Broadband plan allows agencies to make adjustments to be competitive in salary to people in similar jobs with similar responsibilities. This is in fact legal to do under current state law as the broadband plan only requires that each agency stay within their budgets and can “tweak” compensation levels to be competitive with other employees with similar responsibilities.

Watch the Video news report or read more about it in the Channel 9 KXLH website


  1. These guys haven't had a raise in 4 years. That is absurd. The Teamsters are corrupt, but these guys that keep our roads plowed deserve a raise. 4 Years.

  2. Why do we have a legislature? The tail is wagging the dog

  3. $38K a year plus benefits doesn't sound too bad. I'm sure there are plenty of people that would love to work for that wage.

  4. $38K a year plus benefits doesn't sound too bad. I'm sure there are plenty of people that would love to work for that wage.
