Fox News recently reported that 23 states are considering plans to drug test welfare recipients as a prerequisite to receiving tax payer funded financial aid. Wyoming is considering such a measure and Speaker of the House Ed Buchanan had this to say;
"The idea, from Joe Taxpayer is, `I don't mind helping you out, but you need to show that you're looking for work, or better yet that you're employed, and that you're drug and alcohol free,"'While I applaud those that want to actually do something to bring fraud and plain old fashioned laziness under control it will be an uphill battle. People receiving entitlements are going to feign their indignation at having to undergo what they will call a humiliating invasion of their rights. In reality this sort of thing has been attempted before only to have groups such as the ACLU bring suit against any who dare to try to get run away social programs under control. While it is a common misconception that everyone on welfare is using drugs those of us paying the taxes to fund these programs would sure feel better if we knew that the “hand up” as it were was actually going to people that have a desire to help themselves and not become lifelong abusers of the numerous programs that are designed to help the needy. What is ironic is that it seems the “real” needy continue to be needy and the lazy and greedy seem to be able to work the system to never get off the public dole.
No matter what your opinion of mandated drug testing it is obvious that some revamping of our social entitlement programs needs to be looked at. Are you listening Montana legislators?