Sunday, July 18, 2010

Earthmoving underway at the new landfill

The new landfill project is underway just east of Havre. Patrick Construction equipment has been busy the last couple of weeks moving soil and we have been told the landfill people will be letting bids for a shop building that is estimated to fetch close to a million dollar price tag. Take a drive out on Clear Creek Road and have a look. From what we can see not much has been done on the proposed connecting road between High-way 2 east of Havre and the new landfill


  1. Yeah lets not spend any money in support of recycling. Lets just bury it in the ground. Lets not make our waste into something usefull. Lets bury it in the ground. Sad...

  2. I bet those who live on that proposed route are not going to like all that traffic and dust either. Unless it is paved, it will be a real mess. The litter will be horrendous, too. The only way we will get the majority of people to recycle is if we make it financially beneficial or make it a law. It is sad that few will do it just because it is the right thing to do.

  3. and it is not patrick doin the dirt work, company out of townsend if i remember right

  4. It was supposed to be Advanced Earthworks of Stevensville, but I heard around town that Patrick was doing the work for them. I don't know if it is true. Sounds a bit like the Highland Park School fiasco to me, hire one guy and somehow they can hire all the locals to do the work and everybody makes money??? Doesn't make sense to me, but then again what government funded project ever does! Here is our tax dollars at work building a new stink hole for us to sink our money into!

  5. I'm pretty bummed they will invest all this money into destroying land when they could easily upgrade what is available for recycling in Havre at much less of a cost.

  6. Smoke and mirrors again the current landfill was suposed to last 100 years we got way less what happened? I find it interesting that other landfills around the state can pile waste sky high and keep on going but we just can not do the same. I think what really happened was our smart county officials asked their smart advisor if he had any ideas and guess what he did and now he can bill us for his services while this new facility is being built. Why do we only use one mans firm to monitor the landfill and go off his recomendations I think we should be going off the recomendations of more than one guy who has a lot to gain by moving this landfill. This was the same guy who told us the current landfill would last 100 years either he is really old or maybe not what he seems.

  7. yep, advanced earthworks, nope patrick isn't running any john deeres with tandem scraper setups
