Friday, April 15, 2011

The EPA on Jobs

This is a portion of yesterday’s House Energy Committee hearing where Representative Cory Gardner asks EPA assistant administrator Mathy Stanislaus whether lost jobs are considered before the EPA heaps new regulations on varying businesses. Here’s a news flash for our readers- these government bureaucrats DO NOT CARE if you have a job or not.

It is high time to downsize the EPA.


  1. epa policy for the last ten years proves they don't care if they run every industry out of the usa or not they think they are gonna save the world, of course the companys just move over seas and continue business as usual

  2. I agree BR549. What goes does it do if our cars run on sunshine and happy thoughts if we buy that car from China that does not. China does not care about the environment. Find a list of the most polluted cities in the world and see how many are in china.
    We build a wind farm, they build 10 coal fired generating plants that make a tire fire look green.

  3. These are the same guys that want farmers to install devices to control dust behind their plows

    They don't care about adding big costs onto the price of food either

  4. I think the EPA is divorced from reality. If it looks good on paper they embrace it and expect the rest of the country to figure out the work around.
    Take diesel fuel. The EPA mandated low sulphur diesel fuel. I don't know if I am putting out less emissions but I am burning 50% more fuel to do the same work. Today it is costing me $6 worth of dsl to do the same work I did with $2.50 worth of diesel two years ago.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think we all are "divorced from reality"

  7. "I think we all are "divorced from reality"
    In the end that may be a good thing or we would all be having night terrors.
