Saturday, April 30, 2011

New E-Mail address change for the Havre Daily Corrector

We at the Corrector have been experiencing some issues with our internet service provider and have changed to a new service which makes it necessary to change our e-mail address to  The bresnan address will no longer be used when our service expires shortly so be sure and update your address books.

We are sorry for any Inconvenience this has caused and would like to say that we appreciate all our reader’s tips, advice and story ideas that you kindly provide us and please continue to do so at our new e-mail

Thanks for supporting the Havre Daily Corrector

1 comment:

  1. Another Bresnan customer with issues.

    I was hoping after the corporate buyout and Super Bowl fiasco that they would at least try to provide better service in the Havre area.

    I would guess that more people will be leaving their customer base, if they recieve the same type of service I do.

    I also hope that the executives for the company read this, because they sure do not care when you call their customer support line.

    Once again, competition is a good thing.
