Saturday, April 24, 2010

Arizona Tackles Illegal Immigration

Politicians have been talking about getting a handle on the immigration “problem” for years, decades even. Arizona, one of the states over-run with illegal’s, has tired of waiting for the “fix” that has been supposedly coming “soon” for years and years and has taken action in their state legislature to get a handle on the situation.

Arizona senate bill 1070, recently signed into law by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, allows the police to determine a person’s immigration status if they have a “reasonable suspicion” that a person is in the country illegally. An earlier measure requiring employers to verify the status of their workers or incur harsh sanctions has already withstood a federal court challenge. The ACLU has also vowed to challenge this bill in court.

Currently it is estimated that there are over 11 million people in this country illegally. To put that in perspective, Montana’s total population is close to one million persons. President Obama repeatedly made the campaign promise that his administration would move on immigration reform his very first year in office if elected but these promises were directed toward garnering the Hispanic vote in the presidential election with blatant promises of amnesty to the current illegal population. Obama has failed to make any move regarding illegal immigrants and apparently Arizona is tired of waiting.

What Arizona’s action has accomplished is to again bring the illegal problem back into the national news and Democrat leaders are now talking about pushing forward with immigration reform instead of the planned climate bill. Some Democrat leaders had preferred to work on the Climate bill because they are worried about the negative impact the healthcare reform will have on their ability to retain seats and the climate bill seemed the safer topic until after the mid-term elections. Senators Barbara Boxer, (D-Calif) Michael Bennet (D-Colo) and Harry Reid (D-Nevada) all face tough re-election campaigns in states with large numbers of Hispanic voters. Once again what the good people in Washington advance as priorities for the “good of America’s people” is in reality determined by the politicians by what will be “good for their respective re-election campaigns”.

The Corrector gives a hats off to the legislature of the State of Arizona for tackling this drain on America’s resources head on.


  1. The law passed in Arizona is so basic and plain that it defies description for any one to oppose it. Are the democrats so desperate to gain total power they would sell the whole country out for a vote ?

  2. I say send the illegals back to mexico with a republican under each arm.

  3. That sound bite would be OK fedup except it is the Republicans that want to get a handle on this blight on our country and the Democrats want to give all 11 million of the illegals that are here amnesty so we can start over with a new bunch as they come north.

  4. more government intrusion in the lives of legal Americans. All a police officer has to do is saddle up to a young cutie and say "papers please..." like the nazis. that young cutie is defined as 'suspicious' simply because of the color of her skin, can you imagine a cream colored, blond haired cutie driving dad's benz getting stopped?
    i am truly shocked that conservatives would even come close to supporting this very intrusive government move.

  5. Illegal immigration is obviously a HUGE problem but this certainly doesn't seem like the answer. I can hear the lawyers revving up as we speak.

    I wonder what the over-under on number of civil rights lawsuits filed in the 1st year of this being enacted are?

    On the flip side, amnesty is not the answer either.

  6. At least one illegal immigrant a week goes through our detention center in Havre. That means our personal tax dollars and jail are seeing repercussions from illegal immigrants.

  7. What is really a nasty government intrusion Sidney is making me pay taxes to help give free everything to illegals that are breaking the law while we let our own homeless go hungry.

    Round them up and ship them out. Montana should follow suit and the ACLU can kiss my hillbilly ASS

  8. While i agree on folks being made to pay taxes for others to live off of the government dole, i looked at tax distribution and this may seem strange but montanans actually RECEIVE $1.58 for every dollar they send to the feds while californians actually RECEIVE $0.79 for every dollar they send to the feds. So it looks like those san franscico liberals are ponying up to keep montana businesses going. Responsibility begins at home, i don't appreciate those frisco libs paying my way.

  9. A simple solution to illegal aliens is to simply not hire them when they get hear. No welfare, no free housing, no assistance of any kind. The only thing free is your ride back across the border. This is were the problem lies. For every illegal working there is somebody sitting on welfare complaining about the jobs they are taking. The last I looked these arm chair idiots aren't lining up for the jobs these illegals were taking away from them. Make it easier for the honest hard working people to become tax payers and sort out the losers that we have plenty of allready. Every town has them and we all know who they are.

  10. if anyone read this law it clearly states no racial profiling and a officer can only ask for papers after a person has been detained for a law violation, before they could not ask about their citizen status they had to be released and found/detained by the cbp

  11. My grandparents were immigrants who came to America for a better life and were willing to work for it. Lets make a trade. it appears to me most of the people that are trying to escape from Mexico also work their butts off. Most of the Medical MJ patients are on disability or trying to scam their way into claims, we should ship them off to Mexico. Arizona is in a crisis situation along with California, Florida, and Texas, and I applaud their efforts to do something to get Congress's attention. John McCain had a bi-partison plan that he knew about 1st hand from his state. Have our memories gotten so short we can't forget why people came to America. Get them registered, taxpaying citizens, most are already working and are willing to do anything they can to not go back. Its time to call bull pucky on our citizens to get off their dead butts and go to work, I for one am willing to do that.

  12. to NANCY you have a bad habit of categorizing people and saying that most people with disabilites that are medical mj users are scammers and should be sent to mexico,they should send ignorant people like you to mexico.I happen to be disabled in fact i'm dying and i'm on medical mj.I pray every day that i could work.I've worked for 35 years and now i can't,it's very depressing,then i have to listen to shallow minded people like you.Thanks

  13. Fed Up, sorry I am a burr under your butt, it is obvious that when I make statements like many or most, you cannot see that does not mean all. I am sorry for your circumstance, you could choose to go to your pharmacy and get the same medication that MJ contains, but of course it won't give you an excuse to be high. Sorry to be a mean old rip but you like myself as well are entitled to have an opinion. Some people do have VERY legitimate diabilities, I do pray for them and thank the good Lord I have been spared. I wish you pain free days, and years, and I will add you to my daily prayer request.
