Sunday, February 7, 2010


It was not a surprise to us to learn that not one Havre building contractor bid on the foundation work at the Highland Park School. They all got the message loud and clear via the School Board that they weren’t wanted muddling up the project headed by the out of town superior contractor, Dick Anderson Construction. On the bright side, the Havre School Board can now go around town vindicated in making their poor choice and truthfully tell everyone that NO building contractor from Havre would even give them a bid.  We can hardly wait for Monday’s “news” to see how the School Board spins the story of this bid opening.

Also interesting was that fact that several excavation contractors from Havre submitted bids for the dirt work and digging at the site. Noticeably absent from this list was Baltrusch Construction who never is seen bidding on any project where there are competing bids yet does 90% of the City of Havre’s work without competition. We hope that Mayor Tim and the new council will look into this shady practice at the city that has gone on all through the Mayor Bob reign of terror as well as that of his predecessor.


  1. Maybe they should look into all the contracts that go to Bear Paw Tech, Schine electric and Terry Schend.

  2. Just like all great Elephants, these guys did not want to work for peanuts. Hi NEO and Jimbo;-)

  3. Hey Arron why don't you look into it and report back with the facts. Since you seem to have the inside scoop on Schend and his company.

  4. Aaron, what you are implying? Would you like to discuss that with me here at Bear Paw Tech & Schine? We are located at 615 1st ST W Suite B or call 265-5900 or 262-9200.

    BTW - Terry is an instructor at MSUN.

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