Saturday, February 27, 2010


Any one watch any of the Health care summit? Should we move ahead with Obama’s plan with some minor adjustments? Or should we do as John McCain advocates and start over with a clean sheet of paper?
Take a look at this msnbc video of John McCain and President Obama and tell us what you think

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  1. That is one classless guy we have for a president. Stifle debate and lord over others. I can't wait to vote Obummer out of office.

  2. Classless?? come on. The election is over, so move on. Obama was the leader of this meeting and as a good leader. He wanted it to stay on task. Instead of senseless back and forth squabling. I saw nothing in the clip that seemed disrespectfull on his part.

  3. 2.5 hours Obama (nice how spell check says that is a mispelt word) spoke in a 6 hour open forum of listening to other ideas --yeah that's crossing party lines

  4. Classless. Good Leaders don't gloat and lecture, they don't dismiss others ideas as campaigning when they are in campaign mode constantly. Obummer is classless.

  5. It'a good thing that Arizonans will probably finally retire this pitiful old man so he can travel around and find out how many homes that his WIFE owns. It's hard to imagine that there are people amongst us that thought this relic and his "cheerleader" should run our country. It' scary really.

  6. Not near as scary as what we have in the White House now!!!

  7. Completely pointless. These two are basically the same with minor differences. Only real fact here: Socialism is not the answer.

  8. The first thing you hear is " he was given this mess by our former president". If anyone thinks that either party has told us the truth in the last 20 years they are nuts. Republican or Democrat, they have been stealing our tax payer dollars for years. If you don't think that they can make a mess out of health care, just watch. As far as being disrespectful to McCain, they both need to just shut up and get to work fixing the mess we have in this country.

  9. Fishneedbikes - Classless?

    Here is a new word for you - irony. Check into it.

  10. I am afraid i do not see the connection between our classless President and irony. Perhaps you could fill me in. I don't think that word means what you think it does.

  11. Oh brother....

    The irony lies in you castigating someone for being classless in your own classless manner.

    I'm fully aware of both the meaning of the word and its use. Obviously, you aren't.

  12. I don't think "class" is the problem here. The president is a great speaker and classy guy, it got him elected. His problem isn't that he is classless, he is clueless.

  13. Irony is defined as 1. the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning or 2. a statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the idea. Citing irony when I discuss the classlessness of the man from Hopeanchange is kinda goofy. Perhaps you could get your momma to explain irony to you the next time you are coloring at the table with your primary color crayons. Perhaps you would better fit in over at the Medical Marijuana thread, cuz you'se a dope, and that is not ironic, it is just a coincidence.

  14. That's darn impressive that you can post a definition from the dictionary (not all the definitions mind you). Sorry that it is still over your head.

    Let me try again: How ironic that a classless tool such as yourself would be calling someone else classless.

    But hey, you keep digging that hole and we'll be able to add clueless to classless.

  15. Since you are the recognized expert on all things classless and clueless, I will just leave you to your coloring. Maybe this time mommy will put it on the fridge instead of just crumpeling it up and using it to level out the chair you are sitting on. Good day, my ignorant young friend.

  16. Poor Fishneedbikes.

    I'm neither a recognized expert nor do I claim to be one. One need not be a rocket scientist to see the irony of your posts.

    That you fail to recognize said irony is just too doggone funny (In a laughing at you, not with you way).
