Thursday, December 3, 2009


I just got an e-mail from a person telling about a group called the Pachyderm Club that is active here in Havre and meeting tomorrow. Apparently they meet a couple times a month for lunch and have guest speakers to inform people in their group about things that are going on around town. Past speakers have included people from places like the Border Patrol, Search and Rescue, political candidates, the fair board, Chamber of Commerce, and etc. etc.

The speaker for this week is none other than School Board Chair Shad Huston who will be speaking on what is happening with our school system. My friend said that anyone can come for the no host lunch that is held in the back meeting room of Wolfer’s Diner tomorrow, Friday, December 4th at noon. I would love to go and hear what the current “spin” is but have a conflict so I thought I would post the info here and invite you all, which I was told I could do.

If you hear anything interesting at the luncheon please take notes and send me an e-mail at and I will post it on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. There really wasn't much said about the building project that wasn't said in the papers. The meeeting had a good turnout. Mostly kids from the gov class and 7-8 adults.

    I guess the fray about the selection of the contractor has died down. Shad did pass around a couple pics of the proposed addition.

    We always seem to learn something from these lunches. I would encourage you to attend in the future. We do get both Dems and gop and those not interested in politics at all
