Thursday, January 28, 2010


The Montana Department of Transportation will be at the Hill County Electric hospitality room tonight at 5:30 pm to update everyone on the latest for the Highway 2 project slated from Havre to 10 miles east. The MDT has the project on the schedule to be rebuilt to a Super 2. The Highway 2 Association is rallying their members to attend this meeting to “demand” the project be altered to encompass the start of the 4-lane highway across the northern route which is more than 660 miles. Go and give your opinion.


  1. Let's approach this meeting with a positive attitude. The word "demand" seems to imply we who favor the 4 lane are "all or nothing". Leave the personalities and egos out of this. Remember, we the citizens pay taxes to support the government bureaucracy which is supposed to serve us.
    Maybe, just once the Havre community can get their arms around a project and work together and get this area moving. Using Shelby and Toole County as an example; is there a chance we could see some economic developement here?

  2. Well said, Noone. Making all of highway 2 four lanes would benefit the entire northern tier of Montana.

  3. Did anyone attend this meeting? Are we getting a road or not?

  4. I attended. The Jim Lynch 'road show' no wonder this guy works in Helena he is full of hot air.

    1. Environmental Impact Studies (EIS) rule everything.
    2. EIS (4 yrs ago) determined that an improved highway was the way to go.
    3. 21 million dollar project right of ways already bought and design finished, 10 -12 miles directly east of Havre.
    4. only 2 passing lanes 1.45 miles long - way better than old .75 mile passing lanes in other parts of state.
    5. 8 foot shoulders with 6-1 slope ditches - way big improvement at least 15 references to how great this slope is
    6. some left and right turning lanes plus bus turnouts especially at turn to new dump
    7. In order to get 4 lanes we will have to reopen EIS and may not get Environmentalists to think we need 4 lane so might be waste of time and delay project
    8. Highway project funding bill is in continuing resolution if we reopen EIS funding will go to other projects could delay and not have money for this project depending on "current spending climate" as you know is tough
    9. Feds will come to meet with us so we can waste more time at overly crowded meeting
    10. local government(leaders?) needs to tell MDT to go ahead or not- bids to be open in July.
    11. THere is a reason why the MDT avoids doing projects in N central MT
