Friday, January 15, 2010


Republican Senator Jerry Black of Shelby and former Democrat Senator Don Ryan, Great Falls, are the first to file for the open seat on the 5-member Public Service Commission to succeed Democrat Greg Jergeson of Chinook who is termed out of office. The District 1 seat is a large area encompassing 19 Montana counties on the Northern tier which includes Great Falls, Lewistown, Shelby, Havre, Glasgow and on down to Glendive and Sidney.

Black has been involved in the radio business for decades and is noted for building the first FM station in Northern Montana KZIN, now KSEN. Ryan operates a Child-care center with his wife in Great Falls


  1. Hmmmmmmmm Who should I choose?
    On one side a candidate that has built a successful business that has endured for decades and on the other side a guy that wipes baby butts for a living

    What to do? What to do? ………Duh

  2. Ryan is a dunce. I mean that in a nice way. Sweeet but stupid.
    He lost a Primary Race in Cascade County for Clerk & Recorder. He would be a very bad choice.
