Wednesday, November 4, 2009


All eyes were on the Havre City races yesterday and now with a new day we recall that President Obama has been with us for one full year. A year ago in his victory speech he proclaimed that it was a new day in America and further went on to promise there would be changes in how Washington does business. He promised no new taxes to the middle class and pledged to go after the wealthy and the greedy corporate America.

So how is he doing with those promises? His first order of business within a week of being in office increased funding to third world countries including the restoration of abortion assistance dollars that were previously cut by President Bush. He then started his “apologetic” tour around the globe trying to convince our neighbors, friends, and enemies that we really weren’t the nation of Christians that the original founding fathers had proclaimed us to be, but rather a nation of diversity that accepted all faiths, government creeds, and ideals with favoritism to none.

It didn’t take long down the Obama Care road to realize that middle class America was going to have to buck up and pay a “little” more for the “good of all”. First on the tax increase spotlight was the untaxed retirement – health benefits of the very Union workers that had voted Obama into office. Social issues such as abortion and gay rights have made substantial progress under the liberal Obama administration.

Obama immediately started replacing seasoned leadership in the Capital with his comrades including the appointment of Czars for nearly everything that moves negating the influence of the various departments of our government. The only promise that this blogger can see that he has kept thus far is that we did indeed get “change”

Oh how I wish for the days of a good old “respectable” liberal like Lieberman.


  1. Couldnt agree with you more. I liked Palin, but I think Lieberman would have been a good choice with McCain, I am sure that would have been a winning ticket.

  2. Couldn't argee more!!!!

  3. I just want ot say I love your blog!!!!

  4. Pelosi's 757

    I'm just passing on the below, but from my one of my closest friends who's word I'd take to the bank.

    My "all most brother" friend of 30+ years, is a retired Pan Am, ex Delta pilot, who is supplementing his meager "Delta retirement at the age of 70+ as a simulator instructor in South Florida. He does recurrent training for the Air Force pilots that have to fly Pelosi's Jet, he told me last week, that the last Pelosi Pilots he had in the Sim, told him that they now have to "Salute" her.

    I'm sorry, excuse me, I just puked all over myself!

    Is that in the "have to book"?? If so, I'm out of place, but in my short Military career of ten years, you saluted the rank and not the person. Good way to write the rules, easier to stomach in some cases.

    I'm going to email this to Glen Beck, I hope he makes the most of it.

    Pelosi's Jet

    This Jet is the USAF C-32, Boeing 757, that MADAME PELOSI uses.

    And the Democrats want to talk about Sarah's dress??? Conservatives! Are you out there?

    Madame Pelosi wasn't happy with the small jet USAF C-20B, Gulfstream III, that comes with the Speaker's, Madame Pelosi was aggravated that this little jet had to stop to refuel, so she ordered a Big Fat 200-seat USAF C-32, Boeing 757 jet that could get her back to California without stopping!

    Many, many legislators walked by and grinned with glee as Joe informed everyone that Nancy's Big Fat Jet costs us, the hard working American tax payers, thousands of gallons of fuel every week. Since she only works 3 days a week, this gas guzzling jet gets fueled and she flies home to California , cost to the taxpayers of about $60,000, one way! As Joe put it, 'Unfortunately we have to pay to bring her back on Monday night.' Cost to us another $60,000.

    Folks, that is $480,000 per month and that is an annual cost to the taxpayers of $5,760,000. No wonder she complains about the cost of this might cramp her style and she is styling, on my back and yours.

    I think of the military families in this country doing without and this woman, who heads up the most do-nothing Congress in the history of this country keeps fueling that jet while doing nothing.

    Madame Pelosi wants you and me to conserve our carbon footprint. She wants us to buy smaller cars and Obama wants us to get a bicycle pump and air up our tires. These people are nuts.

    Keep in mind the figures above do NOT include cost of plane or crew, just fuel!

    One wonders what her total package cost us? And she wants to tax our IRA's & 401 K's!
