Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Dear Havre Daily Corrector readers,

Some omissions and inaccuracies need to be addressed regarding the
Havre Daily’s story about the personhood amendment that grassroots,
pro-life Montanans are working to get on the ballot for Montana Voters.

First, numerous Protestant and nonsectarian groups support this
effort, including the Montana Assemblies of God and Lutheran
Missouri-Synod, Personhood USA, Central Montana Right to Life, and
American Right to Life, to name just a few.

The article also failed to mention that various personhood efforts are
in the works in states across the nation. Montana’s grassroots effort
is part of a vast pro-life movement today, as science shows clearly
that unborn babies are people through such evidence as 3-D
ultrasounds, studies proving that unborn babies feel pain, the fact
that babies have brain waves at just six weeks gestation and
heartbeats even earlier, and that DNA determines at conception the
baby’s gender and exactly what the child will look like. This new
knowledge has led the solid majority of Americans to declare
themselves pro-life in recent national polling.

Catholic lobbyist Moe Wosepka was quoted as fearing the amendment
could someday find its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, possibly be
overturned, and, if so, somehow “solidify” Roe v Wade. I know of the
key lawyer shelling out this speculation (the same lawyer who tried to
get the national Republican caucus to waver in its opposition to
embryonic stem cell research). I disagree with him. And I’m far from
the only one.

The Montana Personhood amendment is supported by the LARGEST Catholic
pro-life organization in the United States, American Life League,
which is led by Judie Brown, one of a handful of advisors to the Pope
on respect-life issues. The LARGEST Catholic pro-life organization in
the world, Human Life International, supports personhood. The
Catholic, nationally renowned Thomas More Law Center has vowed to
support Montana’s amendment all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if

I was surprised to read the sentence: “Warburton and leaders of the
Catholic Conference said they are saddened by the falling out between
the two factions.” I was surprised because I never said that, and
because, in my opinion, there is no “falling out,” and there are not
two “factions.” In fact, the actual, official position statement
distributed by Wosepka states: “We applaud the Montana Prolife
Coalition (MPLC) for their tireless dedication to life issues. While
we believe the personhood strategy is a political long shot, we stand
with the MPLC in their ultimate goal of overturning Roe V. Wade. We
do not oppose their efforts, but merely differ in our opinions about
what is likely to be the most effective strategy and what is the best
use of limited time and resources.”

The sentence about the attempt to get personhood on the ballot through
a vote of the legislature, which stated, “The measure was defeated,
receiving little support from Hi-Line lawmakers, except for Warburton
and Windy Boy,” was false. Our Senator, Kim Hanson, voted in support
of it, as did Phillips County’s Rep. Wayne Stahl and Sen. John
Brenden, and Liberty and Toole County Rep. Roy Hollandsworth and Sen.
Jerry Black. The only “Hi-Line lawmaker” anywhere near Havre who voted
against it was Rep. Bob Bergren. Rep. Tony Belcourt was absent. Anyone
can verify these votes online at www.leg.mt.gov. Just type in a search
for SB 406.
In Montana, we have nothing to lose, unless we do nothing. Right now
in Montana, there are absolutely no state restrictions on abortion up
to the moment of labor. Right now in Montana, parents have no right to
know if their teenage daughter is taken to get an abortion. (But she
had better have your permission before she gets her ears pierced.)
Right now, hundreds of young women from other states come to Montana
to get abortions. This will continue unless we amend our state
constitution to recognize that unborn babies are people entitled to
some rights.

The fact that children who are not yet born are people, too, is simply
right and true. I believe in fighting for what is right true.


Rep. Wendy Warburton, HD 34


  1. That is our purpose. To correct errors and ommisions from the news.

  2. The Corrector has deleted a comment from an anonymous post linking to an inappropriate site. Please be aware it is not our intent to editorialize on comments, however, comments and or links to sites of an inappropriate nature are in violation of our host sites terms and conditions and could jeopardize the entire blog. Please refrain from derogatory and/or incendiary remarks or postings.

  3. I don't know where Wendy gets her ideas, but some of them are not based in reality. I'd like to know the name of a single doctor or medical facility located in MT (or any state for that matter) that does abortions after 13 weeks except for medical emergencies. I'd also like to know where she got the information about all the people who are suddenly right-to-lifers instead of pro-choice.

    If these anti-abortion zealots put up the money to provide much needed financial support for all the millions of girls and young women they have convinced to "keep the baby" to help out with diapers and child care and the emotional support they so desperately need I would not be so against them. But, alas...they only care about the unborn fetus. Once it's born, they no longer work to provide any kind of moral or financial support for it, or the female they convinced to keep it.

    Many abortions are performed on married women who do not want another child. No one that I know has taken the decision lightly. But it is, fortunately, a choice. I hope we never go back to the time of back alley abortions, because trust me, they will always be available. And there will always be women looking for an abortion. So I believe in keeping abortion safe and legal.

    I would also like to know where the stats come from about all the women coming to MT for abortions from other states?

    And if these people feel so strongly that a fetus is "a child" why do they not have funeral services and death certificates and burial plots for miscarriages? Who funds all these organizations? And why do they not feel any responsibility to "the children" that they help bring to life once they are born???

  4. Wendy,

    I want to thank you for taking point on an issue so near and dear to every Christian's heart and anyone else that has respect for human life. You follow in the footsteps of the greatest president of our time, President Ronald Reagan, who said, "We have the duty to protect the life of an unborn child." As I am sure you know, the evil one and his minions will viciously attack anyone who stands firm for God's righteousness.

    President Reagan also said something to the effect that all liberals are not ignorant, they just know a lot of things that just aren’t so. Mr. Anonymous falls into that category. After a recent unfortunate national event, the national press talked about the abortion providers that perform abortions up to 40 weeks. Almost all abortion providers perform abortions through the second trimester. Few, if any states, do not offer third trimester abortions at some abortion clinic. The courts have overturned the laws passed by the elected officials to protect the pre-born.

    As for the pro-abortionists turning pro-life, Mr. Anonymous should try reading the news every now and then. The head of Planned Parenthood in Texas just changed his beliefs after witnessing a late term abortion.

    Wendy, don't let the pro-murder hate mongers get you down. They live in sound bites. They can't get down in the weeds where the facts are located. Good luck and God speed.


  5. In response to Anonymous: My husband and I support several agencies around the state that offer emotional and financial support to young women after giving birth to a baby.

    My other comment it regarding the statement about women aborting because they don't want another baby: Having sex that creates a baby is where the choice should be made. Killing a baby should never be a choice.

  6. Re Anonymous: Doctors do abortions all the time through 9 months, as Tiller for instance openly boasted. Claiming otherwise is like Hitler playing innocent about his mass murders.
    Pro-lifers aren't responsible for the babies. The people who made them are. Does Anonymous also expect others to be responsible for irresponsible drunk drivers and dopers who can't control themselves either? That makes as much nonsense.
    Not taking a light decision justifies killing? Baloney. That would mean deliberating over any crime justifies it as a convenient excuse, which is exactly what Anonymous is trying to fabricate here. "I thought long and hard before deciding to kill my wife, therefore the jury shoult acquit." Nonsense.
    There will always be back alley abortions? Like there will always be murders, and have been for thousands of years despite law. Law-breaking doesn't justify law-breaking. More patent nonsense.
    Out of state women coming to Montana? Just look at the license plates at the abortion mill.
    No funeral? Since when does the cost or presence/absence of a funeral define a person's worth?
    Who funds pro-life organizations? This shows Anonymous has a preoccupation with money over morality. That's a sign Anonymous is indeed making blood money out of an abortion mill and accordingly wants to be Anonymous.

  7. Abortion is murder. Anyone who doubts this obvious fact can try abortion on themselves until they understand. Until they do, they are merely lying hypocrites. The cruel reality of abortion is obvious from www.100abortionpictures.com and www.abortionno.org.

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