Saturday, July 28, 2012

Separation of Church and State Myth Busted (again)

Apparently all the hoopla we hear about the “separation of church and state” being spelled out in our constitution since the beginning of time is not true.    Who would have dreamed that liberals and the ACLU would have lied to us?  If anyone is interested you can buy a DVD of the whole 2-hour Capital tour at Wall Builders dot com for 15 bucks. 


  1. We have been told this lie so long that everyone believes it is a violation of the constitution when in reality our country was founded on a belief in God. Tell where in the constitution you find anything about the separation of church and state

  2. I always find Barton thought provoking. I would like to know the truth but your link lacks credibility David. She comes off like a witch hunter to me.

  3. You can’t be serious David. When you read history it is clear that most people came to America for religious freedom.

    However, I will keep an open mind and read the rest of the stuff at the link you provided before I make judgement and I think I will spend the $15 to watch the DVD from Barton also and then come back and give you an informed opinion

  4. When you read history it is clear that most people came to America for religious freedom.


    Most people came here, like they still do today, to make a living.

    One should also not forget that many people came to America in shackles as property.
