Monday, May 28, 2012

A Big Thanks to our Military on this Memorial Day

For years, Memorial Day was celebrated May 30. Then, in 1971, Congress passed the National Holiday Act moving most federal holidays to Mondays to ensure a three-day weekend. Since that time, Memorial Day has been observed on the last Monday in May.

Today we stop to remember those that died protecting our freedoms. Memorial Day, which was originally called Decoration Day, is the official day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service. Remembering fallen soldier dates clear back to civil war times. The first official day of observance was proclaimed on May 5th, 1868 by General john Logan who was the National Commander of the Grand Army and was first observed on May 30th, 1868 when folks got together to place flowers on the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery President Lyndon Johnson and Congress made the day into a three-day weekend with the National Holiday Act of 1971 which calls for the day to be observed the last Monday of May each year.

We would like to say thank you to all of those that have died so that we might remain free. We all know that freedom isn’t free.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Obama Bucks

I am beginning to think that the non-working people that vote for the person most apt to continue all these wonderful government “programs” allowing them their life of leisure are finally out numbering those of us that think able bodied people should work for a living.  The following is an interview with some people found standing in line in front of the New York welfare office. One guy even says we owe him because his ancestors were slaves.  I guess in his mind the 149 years that have passed since the Emancipation Proclamation is to short of time to become a part of a capitalistic working society.  Republicans shouldn’t be surprised if in fact our Dear Leader is re-elected because people receiving from the federal government outnumber people that are giving to the federal government.

The next video interviews  people last election that actually voted for Obama.  See any problems?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dear Leader: Gas Prices for Dummies

I am staying close to Havre this Memorial Day.  It just costs too much to buy fuel to make unnecessary trips just for the sake of gallivanting around the country.  Anyone remember Dear Leader’s explanation for our high gas prices a few months ago?  If not be sure and watch the re-run of his blathering performance before you cast your vote for President.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

And The Award for Best Actor Goes Too...

Yesterday during the White House press briefing, Wendell Goler with Fox News, asked Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary, about the President's past support for the Occupy Movement and whether or not he's changed his mind in light of the recent Chicago occurences.

It's so painful to watch it's amusing, but in reality, we were quite embarrased for poor Mr. Carney.  Clearly maintaining the most serious composure while attempting to cover for Barack Hussein Obama is most certainly worth the Best Actor nod at the 2013 Oscars in our humble opinion.  Congratulations Jay, on your achievement!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Don't You Dare Kill that Rattlesnake

Sorry for the lack of attention to this blog the last week.  It is spring and we all needed a little vacation from reading news reports about what is wrong with the world.  Personally, I have discovered that reading about all the stupid ways our government and government officials waste our tax resources and hinder economic progress depresses me and I took a much needed vacation from it all.   Today’s most idiotic story is brought to you from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Image Credit:

 It seems that some of our good environmental wacko-nuts have convinced the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service that the highly venomous eastern diamondback rattlesnake is getting close to extinction and should be listed as an endangered species. In 2011 the Center for Biological Diversity filed a petition to add the rattlesnake to the endangered species list.
“Survival of these snakes in large part depends on whether people continue to persecute them or instead choose to allow these amazing creatures to share the land with us,” said Bill Matturro of Protect All Living Species. “In the Southeast, we are blessed with a rich natural heritage of animals and plants. All of these species — even the rattlesnakes — should be allowed to exist.”
Isn’t this story heart-warming.? A nasty creature that has wrecked havoc on the country since clear back in the Garden of Eden has a fan club protecting them from “persecution” and on your tax dime to boot. So when you encounter a rattler this summer be sure and keep in mind the poor folks that want to save the rattlers before you whack them with your shovel.

The Midwest Fish and Wildlife Website (take note of the date of publication) was advocating the protection of snakes since way back in November of 1999 which has to lead me to believe that some of our government paid officials are intertwined with some of these outrageous environmental groups that are pushing for all these nonsensical agendas. Be sure and read the linked stories about this drive to protect the snakes at the links in red above.

Additional story in Alanta Journal

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Havre GOP Kicking Off for 2012 Elections

I just noticed this weekend that the local GOP has again opened an office next to the Hank Tweeten Auto Body shop.  This is the same office they used last election to head up their election efforts that resulted in historic GOP victories in the Havre area.  What we found unusual last time was the total lack of effort on the local Democrats part to even try and retain any seats in what is typically a Democratic strong-hold.  Seems kind of early to open an office for local candidates but it is apparent the local GOP is not going to take anything for granted and have hit the ground running.

Anyone heard if the local Democrats are planning on hibernating thru the election again this year?  Let us know what they are up to at and we will report to our readers.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bowen Greenwood Mounts Write-in Campaign for Clerk of Supreme Court

Bowen Greenwood
We received an interesting press release today announcing that the Republicans are mounting a write-in campaign against Supreme Court clerk Edwin Smith.  Smith is running unopposed and has held the position since January 2, 1989.  Voters are asked to write in the name of Bowen Greenwood and then darken the oval on the ballot next to his name.  More information can be viewed at his website

United States Budget Dilema

Something to consider as we cast our ballots this election .

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Citizens United Decision

The following is a Letter to Editor regarding the Citizens United decision

Jerry O'Neil
By Representative Jerry O'Neil

I don’t blame the Democrats for condemning the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission; nor for lauding Steve Bullock, their candidate for governor, for fighting it. After all, if business interests are allowed to speak as freely as the union and environmental activists who normally support the Democratic Party, it might erode some of their support.

Bullock’s supporters use catch words for their favorite villains, such as, “powerful out-of-state corporations” and “buying our elections” in their propaganda. I readily admit some corporations, such as Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve System, can be real scary; but this should not justify forbidding local businesses from supporting their favorite political candidates and causes.

The Pierce Pepin electrical cooperative stated in their newsletter, “the Environmental Protection Agency has numerous rules in process which, if enacted, will require utility spending to increase for compliance. - - Some of these rules could cost millions of dollars but only decrease pollution marginally.” Without the decision in Citizens United this likely would have been illegal corporate campaigning. Shouldn’t our energy, lumber and mining companies be allowed to defend themselves when the radical environmentalists and bureaucrats place onerous burdens upon them? Shouldn’t they be allowed to campaign against legislators and laws that will shut them down?

Historically Montana is the poster child for why to stifle corporate participation in elections - and why not to.
In 1912, during the Progressive Era and shortly after copper king W.A. Clark was caught bribing Montana’s legislators to secure a seat in the U.S. Senate, Montana passed a law that severely restricted corporate participation in Montana’s elections. About that time William A. Clark and Marcus Daly purchased virtually all the newspapers in Montana thus nullifying the law's affect on them.

According to University of Montana Journalism Professor Dennis Swibold's book, Copper Chorus: Mining, Politics and the Montana Press, 1889-1959, “not until the late 1950s did their successor, in the form of the Anaconda Co., determine that its newspapers had lost their relevance. Anaconda unyoked much of the state's press, including The Billings Gazette, in 1959 with the sale of its newspaper holdings to Lee Enterprises.”

The issue in Citizens United was whether a non profit corporation opposed to a political candidate had the right to publish a movie about that candidate. This would be the same right as corporate media, such as the media owned by GE, now has. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled “The Government may regulate corporate political speech through disclaimer and disclosure requirements, but it may not suppress that speech altogether.”

In today’s world without the Citizens United decision the copper kings would only need to purchase media corporations to publish videos and movies to advance their political views. The corporations without a voice would include our small, local corporations and cooperatives.

To give Steve Bullock credit for fighting against out of state influence on Montana’s elections would be to ignore his own actions. In his 2008 campaign for the Montana Attorney General’s office he collected over $150,000.00 from out of state interests. He also collected funds from several unions, including SEIU Healthcare and MEA-MFT; donations from employees of the office he was seeking; donations from a good portion of the Montana Trial Lawyers Association’s members; many environmentalists, including Elizabeth Best, presently a candidate for the Montana Supreme Court; along with funds from the NARAL Pro-Choice MT PAC.

You might think Steve Bullock is altruistic and fighting against his and his Democratic Party’s own interests with his battle against the Citizens United decision. This is not the case as is demonstrated by Brian Schweitzer’s campaigns in 2004 and 2008. While stating he would not accept any corporation or PAC money, he never-the-less filled his coffers from the Democratic Party’s union and environmentalist friends. From out of state contributors Schweitzer raised approximately $240,000.00 in 2004 and over $800,000.00 in 2008.

An example of where these out of state interests lie might be deciphered by the $1,000.00 Schweitzer received from Rutherford Seydel who resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Seydel is a director and vice-chairman of The Conservation Fund, co-founder and CEO of the Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Fund, Inc. and is a member of the board of directors of the Southern Environmental Law Center and Turner Environmental Law Clinic.

An example of out of state union interests contributing to Schweitzer’s 2008 campaign would be the $600.00 donation by Edward J. Gorman, III, Exec. Dir., United Brotherhood of Carpenters Health & Safety Fund, which is located at 101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC.

Personally I believe Attorney General Steve Bullock in on the wrong track with his crusade to gag corporations in Montana politics. Instead I agree with the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United that the Government may regulate corporate political speech through disclaimer and disclosure requirements, but it may not suppress that speech altogether.”

Jerry O’Neil
Representing HD 3
985 Walsh Road
Columbia Falls, MT 59912

Friday, May 11, 2012

Senator Tester “Blowing Smoke”

Have you seen the great new ad from Senator Jon “No Ear Marks Ever” Tester?  You surely remember the guy:  he has been our transparent Senator for nearly 6 years now and he was the guy that said he was going to clean up the culture of corruption on K-Street, end the wasteful practice of ear-marking, and wasn’t going to be bought and sold by the evil lobbyists.  Don’t forget that the Center for Responsive Politics lists old Jon-boy as the number one recipient of lobbyist funds and reports that he received over $875,000 from the banking and real estate industry in 2011 – the very same guys he said he was going to get “under control” for the well-being of us peons back home.  Of course that promise was 6 years ago and a feller sure might change his mind just a few days after winning election back in 2006!

Customer Issue with Local Cinema

The Corrector received the following editorial from a reader that is disturbed about their treatment at the Havre Cinema.

Havre Theater is kicking people out of the movie The Avengers before the final scene after the credits. At first they were telling people that there is no scene and now they are just using the excuse that there is no time for them to let us watch it because there are a lot of people waiting to see the next showing and their boss told them to kick us out so they can clean.

I went Sunday afternoon and Tuesday night and both times they kicked us out. Some other kids I saw later said the same thing happened to them. Tuesday night after I left the theater before that scene there were literally ONLY four people in the lobby waiting for a movie after the employee told me there were a whole bunch of people waiting to get into the theater. When I demanded to see the scene the employee told me I can "buy the DVD when it comes out" and laughed when I said I wanted a partial refund if I don’t get to see the full movie I already paid to see. Then an employee offered to turn the movie off so it won’t be there for me to worry about seeing. And I know per their contract with the distributor, most if not all theaters can NOT turn the movie off until the credits have fully run. They can get fined and lose their contract with the distributor. Hmmmm.....wasn’t Avengers Disney.....Oh if Havre lost their contract with Disney; I bet they'd lose a good chunk of income. Where has customer service gone in this town?

I realize I CAN buy the DVD in a month or however many months when it comes out, but I have paid twice to see the movie and been basically told it doesn't matter that I paid to see it and that that is part of the movie. I am angry and frustrated and I have NO idea if there really is anything that can be done about it. It isn't as if I asked to see another movie free or demanded free drinks or something. Anyway, I figured I would tell you in case you felt like having a rant/complaint about people being cheated out of their money. And I am angry enough right now that I am going to tell EVERYONE I come in to contact with about the horrible service I got. Sure it might not do anything, but right now, it’s all I can do.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Many West Virginia voters prefer Federal Inmate over Obama

Federal Prisoner Keith Judd
It appears our Dear Leader had a bad run of luck during yesterday’s primary elections. Substantial numbers of Democrats failed to show support for President Obama in every state voting yesterday. The most laughable embarrassment for the Democrats occurred in West Virginia where a man incarcerated in a federal prison in Texas won 40% of the presidential primary vote. It would seem that Dear Obama is not nearly as popular as some of my Democrat friends have been telling me. Prisoner Keith Judd was sent to the federal pen for making threats at the University of Mexico back in 1999. Apparently 40% of Democrats would rather see a convict become president when faced with the alternative of 4 more years of this failed administration.

The part I personally like the best is the fact that this great showing by Judd qualifies him to send a delegate to the Democratic National Convention to cast a ballot on his behalf right from the convention floor. (on national Television too) I wonder how the apologists at the Democrat Party are going to spin this great news?

Related Fox News story

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

North Dakota Personal Income Up 78%

According to the Grand Fork Herald North Dakota’s per-capita personal income has increased over 78% since 2000. The increase move North Dakota 38th in personal income to 9th in the nation. Of course politicians like Governor Jack Dairymple said in a press release that this is proof “our policies for economic growth are working” Leave it to a politician to try and take credit for something that has fell in his lap. I wonder if he is related to our governor?

To give credit where do however it is the business friendly climate of North Dakota that has not stood in the way of the development of their natural resources that is bringing this boom to their state. Aren’t you glad we have no such policies in Montana? We like to talk about supporting new jobs (both political parties) but really deep down we like the environmentalists long-range goal of making the whole state some sort of protected Federal Park.

Read the article at the Grand Forks Herald
H/T to Northern Broadcasting for pointing out this story

Monday, May 7, 2012

Free Prime Rib Dinner Draws ‘Sold-Out’ crowd

It appears that the Lindeen campaign tours complete with free Prime Rib dinners was a big hit in Havre on Thursday night.  Montana Insurance and Securities Commissioner Monica Lindeen  was in town to watch the ‘Gold Diggers’ documentary with about 80 people that were wolfing down free prime rib dinners.  Several people we talked to last Wednesday had tried to reserve tickets only to be told that they were too late as the free dinner event was at capacity.  However the people that missed out were told that the Lindeen team would be hosting a second free dinner in Havre at a later date.  Interestingly the Commissioners website has been updated to clearly point out that all events are funded by an educational grant from the Investor Protection Trust and assertions that these dinners are nothing more than campaign events is patently false.  In addition anyone missing the free dinner can request a free copy of the documentary on DVD from the Commissioner’s office.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Unified Disposal District Buys More Land

The Unified Disposal landfill is a topic that has raised the hackles of numerous people over the last few years. There are those that recall being told 30 years ago when we funded the new dump that “we would never- ever have to worry about garbage again in our lifetimes because the then new landfill had a “100 year +++” life span. Then there are those upset 2 ½ years ago when they learned that the district had purchased the land just south of Havre before they held any hearings to receive public comment until after the fact. It so happened that the “100 +++” year dump was full and needed upgrades. Back in August of 2011 the Corrector reported that there were some issues with the disposal district permits that were keeping the landfill from opening. Finally after several years everything came together and the Unified trucks started rolling out to the new landfill.

The Corrector has learned that the Unified Disposal District has purchased an additional 160 acres adjacent to the landfill as part of a settlement with the American Wind and Wheat farms that had filed suit over the road running through their land. The district is leasing the land back to the seller to keep the land in production but also allow Unified Disposal employees access to the land to clean up blowing garbage. Apparently the fence around the area does not keep all the blowing garbage confined like they claimed it would way back when. Additionally the old landfill is in the process of being closed although the taxpayers of the district are ultimately on the hook to monitor and correct any issues for the next 30 years. Fencing will be removed and used as needed around some of the local transfer sites. We could not find out what the plans are for the old shop building at the previous site.

We could not get anyone to divulge the price paid for the 160 acres just purchased but considering they paid $1,500 per acre numerous years ago for a coulee that was grazing land we can only assume that 160 acres of premium productive crop land made our old taxpayer wallet pucker up a bit. Why is it so hard for our local tax spenders to just be upfront and honest about what they are doing?