Monday, February 20, 2012

$487.4 Million for Planned Parenthood

It is always heartwarming to stumble across all the ways the government can and does spend your tax dollars.  Take for instance the 487.4 million dollars you provide to Planned Parenthood in the form of government grants, subsidies and government contracts to enable them to provide their dubious services to our youth.  Take a look at this video exposing the sham we have come to know as Planned Parenthood.  Just a warning though if you have a queasy stomach – this just may nauseate you.  If you make it through the video be sure and take a look at the link for Planned Parenthood and give us your opinion.


  1. From the facts found on the planned parent website linked in your story

    “Abortions are very common. In fact, more than 1 out of 3 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old.”

    Doesn’t it seem to you like they are promoting abortion as a form of birth control? Our society really is going to hell in a hand basket

  2. I have never understood why these types of things are funded with taxes.

    One more group in a long list that wastes our money

  3. Redneck Joe, it began when Democrats figured out they could trade gov't support for someone's favorite charity for political contributions to the Democrats.

  4. It really chaps my backside to think my hard earned taxes are used for abortion and this sort of “education.” Pro-lifers don’t get government funding so why should the pro-abortion groups?

  5. It is a lot cheaper than keeping unwanted pregnancies in foster care and many times in a lifetime of incarceration, as has been factually documented.

    Read Freakonomics.

    Keep your religion out of my government.

  6. And yours too DeConstructor. Government should not be involved in this business period.

    What bothers me about Planned Parenthood is that it downplays its own abortion statistics. Doesn't anyone else find that strange. They claim that abortions account for only 3% of their activities, but something doesn't add up. I mean I guess i understand how they are skewing their numbers. If they talk to 29 women about an abortion in a day, but only perform one, then yes it's 3%. But on the funding side it doesn't add up. In a report to Congress in 2009 Planned Parenthood claimed $154 million of their annual revenue comes from abortions. So since profits only account for 31% of their budget (21% from donations, 48% from the government) it is more like 40% of the business they actually do. Wow! Math is fun isn't it?

    Bottom line, government should not be in the business of publicly funding abortions. We can argue ad nauseum about abortion itself, but public funding should be out the window.

  7. We are now using abortion as a form of birth control. Even if you aren’t a Christian and want religious values to be separated from our government you would have to agree that this wholesale slaughter of the unborn is destroying the very fiber of our society.

    I can’t even consider voting for someone like Karen Sloan who has spent her whole life pushing the Planned Parenthood agenda. I will again be supporting Wendy Warburton because she stands up for the helpless that have no voice. I agree there should be a separation of church and state but Planned Parenthood is nothing more than a religion against my very beliefs. Why should I be forced to use my money to pay for something in which I don’t believe? If you want separation of church and state then it should be in all things not just that which is against Christians.

  8. There are many of us that consider the idea that tax dollars are being used to teach 'intelligent design'and other religious myths in the classroom to be insulting.

    There are many of us that consider the forced participation and coercion to convert to the Alcoholics Anonymous faith under a court order to be offensive.

  9. I take acceptation to your being insulted about teaching intelligent design. Most schools do not teach intelligent design in the first place. Whether this is in fact something to be taught is left to opinion but on the other hand many do not believe Darwin’s theory is accurate either and I really don’t see the problem with teaching all theories.

    If you are for what Planned Parenthood is doing by all means support them but that doesn’t mean that those of us that think it is despicable should finance the operation. No one requires that your money is given to any church in which you do not support so why should I have to finance something in which I also do not believe?

  10. The gov't should not only serve Gentile food in its cafeterias; except for emergency services, gov't offices should not be open on Shabbat (from Friday evening to Saturday night) and neither should gov't school basketball and football games be played on Shabbat.

  11. We should be focusing on jobs, not social issues. Get to work democrats! The social agenda is the wrong priority right now- sheesh.
