Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Queen Michelle Hits the Slopes (and you pay)

While all my tax-funded counterparts that are employed by the government were off work yesterday for what used to be the celebration of George Washington’s birthday I was maintaining a steady pace busy at work. I don’t begrudge a working guy a day off work here and there for a holiday but what does get my dander up is reading about Queen Michelle’s 16th lavish holiday at taxpayer’s expense since the Obama vacationing duo hit the White House. Funny thing is that our American news sources only reported Michelle’s extravagant ski vacation after a United Kingdom paper ran the story. What is up with that? It would seem that the stateside press is still coddling the waste and corruption in this administration. If you want to read about what your President and his queen are up to be sure and read the full story on the United Kingdom Mail Online

What a sad state of affairs.


  1. Why would anyone vote for this guy and his pompous woman again?
    Their total disdain for the American people is inexcusable
