Friday, February 5, 2010


Our local Democrat Representative Jonathan Windy Boy has joined the gang calling for Republican National Committee Michael Steel to apologize for saying the phrase “honest Injun” during an interview on the Sean Hannity show on Fox. It seems the whole country has gone “nuts” about all this race baiting and indignations unleashed on people that are different? Montana’s delegation of Native Americans (or is that Indian? First Montanans? First Americans?- we don’t want to be offensive) You may recall that Senator Windy Boy has numerous times called people to task for what he sees as “racist behavior” Windy Boy accused the Havre police of being racist and said they profiled Native Americans. Windy Boy introduced legislation dealing with race as a “hate crime” and on and on. When can we all just be “Americans” and stop all this racial feeling of some injustice or another towards other people? Come on Senator, you are our representative in Helena, spend some time representing us and quit fanning the flames of hatred.

Of course the Republicans deserve this lash of “racist” anger because it was just a short time ago that they were hollering for Democrat Harry Reid to resign because he said something about President Obama being a good choice as a candidate for president because as a Negro, he was “light skinned and didn’t speak with a dialect” I admit that Harry Reid is dumb as a post but come on – calling for him to resign because of a racist comment? Voters should be resigning him because is stupid, not because he is racist, though it appears he is indeed.

What exactly is a “Honest Injun” and where did that saying come from? HONEST INJUN - "from Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, has been traced back to 1851, but it is probably much older than that. Originally it was probably an expression of sarcastic derision - 'as honest as an Indian.' But later it came to mean about the same thing as the British 'honor bright' or the American 'scout's honor' - a pledge of truth and honesty." From "Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins" by William and Mary Morris (HarperCollins, New York, 1977, 1988).

President Obama is even taken to task by Nevada citizens because he actually made an intelligent statement. “When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don't go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage," he said. "You don't blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you're trying to save for college. You prioritize. You make tough choices." What he said was on the money yet someone someplace that gambles or has just bought a boat is irritated.

Please give us a break with all this race-baiting and faked “outrage” about everything that is said about anything. Take a look at this clip of Michael Steele’s “Honest Injun” comment and tell us your opinion.


  1. I guess I must be a racist too. I can remember making promises when I was a kid and saying “Honest Injun, cross my heart and hope to die if I lie” And why is Harry Reed even speaking about the tone or shade of a person’s skin? It is not even an issue. Some of these talking heads need to get a life.

    Judging by all the profiling concerns Jonathan WB has I wonder if he is a racist when it comes to his white bothers also? Sure seems that way

  2. So a guy who spends all his time focused on race calls someone else a racist. News!!!

  3. JWB is mad because he isn't an honest injun, true case of the dark side of a light chaser. He can't see he is exactly what he disdains - a racist.

    We when we were little we'd yell Geronimo as we jumped off the retaining wall in the back yard or jumped our bikes off hills out back. When I was 8 I didn't know who Geronimo was, it just sounded brave & cool! Honest Injun - that is from days gone by and it isn't a characteristic of JBW.

    Superman - we added --stick a needle in my eye

  4. Is it racist to question whether a person who has been convicted of murder in Havre, and is sitting in prison should have an internet connection?

  5. Have you called the Governor or anyone else to ask about internet in the prisons DeConstuctor?

    I guess they need an internet connection to search for " Jail Break Techniques" "bomb making 101"overpowering your guard" and so forth. Part of thier civil rights you know

    Back to the subject. I also get mad when everytime I turn on the news I hear about everyones sad stories that were inflicted upon them because they were not white (and right as the saying goes)

    Natives I know call other natives "apple Indians" as a form of insult. Red on the outside but white on the inside. I have offended my self. Got to go get a lawyer and see about suing myself for that racist comment..........bye

  6. Mr. Windyboy is supposed to represent the "people". He only represents one color of "people". WB hates the white man more than most white men hate natives. Now he's considering SUING Hill County for unfair native representation.... did I miss the slew of Rocky Boy/ Chippewa Cree tribal members filing to run for County Commissioner?? GIVE US A BREAK!

  7. A second address for the prison blogger:

  8. ok Folks I got a new keyboard,so no more caps...I watched it and it just seemed like he says it alot by the way he just threw it out Windy-boy should just follow this guy around when he speaks & tally up the number of times that he says it again....then he can go around the rez & get signatures on a petition to create another law against free-speech...won't matter by then because our bill of rights wont exist & if you quote the constitution you will be another "terrorist"...actually written that way in the Patriot Act!!...look it up..."Honest Injun"

  9. In re: to Deconstructor and the redjim website. It isn't difficult to write a letter or article in prison and mail it to you sister so she can post it on your website. It doesn't necessarily mean he has an internet connection in prison.

  10. maybe someone is looking at term limits and future job prospects

  11. If Windyboy is going to spend all of his time and energy trying to find someone he can attack and bitch about because of a racist comment that someone has made. I'm sure it makes him feel really good when he finds that one situation where he can say "oh did you what he/she said.." Well you are going to get your wish right now buddy. If one were to look at all of the battles that have taken place lets be honest. The Natives were the easiest people to conquer on the battlefield. The European settlers came over to invade, they did battle with the Natives, everyone knows who won. (Blessed are the strong, for they shall possess the earth-Cursed are the weak, for they shall inherit the yoke.) There you go buddy. Yes. I went there! I went there took a picture and flew back already. Just to make you happy. Because I know that nothing pleases you more then to find a white guy that made a racist comment.. So I'm glad to make you happy AND to give everyone a small history lesson.. :) :) And again have fun, good luck, and godspeed, on your never ending conquest to find the white man that made the racist comment. :)
