Thursday, August 12, 2010

3 Facts of Islam

This is an interesting view of Islam that we are posting for discussion. Please remember that our varying opinions about this will be diverse and we respect everyone’s opinion so please keep the comments CIVIL and INTELLIGENT but do tell us your take on the “Three Facts of Islam" video


  1. This is some scary stuff.

    All you need to know about Islam starts with 9/11

  2. Its not any more scary than christianity! Christians have done some pretty bad things themselves. ALL RELIGIONS are equally bat shit Crazy!!

  3. Fortunately, as society evolves there is hope that the young people of the world, with better access to communication, and a more urgent need to understand the differences between peoples and cultures, will be better informed, and able to cope with these differences.

    Certainly many of the same condemning remarks could be made about the long, violent, and deceptive history of Christianity.

    Many of the same remarks could also be made about the forced and coerced participation and conversion to AA faith that is ordered and imposed by US courts, private employers, social services determing child custody, and organ transplant teams that hold someones life in the balance for failing to participate and convert to the AA faith, nearly always using planned deception.

    Many people are beginning to use louder voices in the condemnation of ALL religions.

    And now we have global communication via the internet; where religions come to die....

  4. none of that video really suprised me. There was a lady in the news last week that was going to get stoned to death (with rocks shawn, lol) for sex out of marriage, that achhhhmed amidididnijon joker is always lying through his teeth. And of course they want their way to rule the world, just like were pushing democracy and christian values world wide, no wonder theres a war. Its always religion.... sigh

  5. Right on Decon! Hahaha ax. I would have said something about that. Funny.

  6. I heard a great point the other day: if we are so tolerant as to have a mosque built near Ground Zero, where is the synagogue going to be in Mecca (or Makkah)? Tolerant and peaceful?!

  7. So then I read the above comments and now need a kleenex as my eyes are watering from hysterical laughter! I hope you all have your pantries stocked and your bomb shelters ready for the pending Christains war! We may fly our planes into your buildings or go to the local Walmart and suicide bomb the area. Seriously, go live over there so you understand what crazy/scary really is, clueless's!! FYI: It's called choice and we're all so lucky to be able to worship or believe whatever we want over here in America. (and Christain's happen to believe in that too: aka free will)
