Monday, December 7, 2009


I have been getting tons of e-mail (spam) from all the so called internet merchants making sure I know about all the wonderful things I can buy for gifts this Christmas season. They take some time to go through but I guess I am ok with it as I have visited most of the sites that are sending me pleas. One e-mail I got today that I thought was rather interesting was a plea from the Democrat Party that went like this;

The talk around the holiday table turns to politics, and you cringe, knowing what's coming from the farthest right branches of your family tree. Every family has 'em:
• Aunt Bertha: "Sarah Palin said that this health care reform bill will save money by making senior citizens go in front of a 'death panel.' I don't want to die!"
• Uncle Frank: "I think the government needs to keep its hands off my Medicare!"
• Cousin Larry: "Global warming doesn't exist. It was really cold last Tuesday!"
This year, there's no reason to stay home all by your lonesome and eat a TV dinner. Fight back with the DSCC's Home for the Holidays Cribsheet. Our cribsheet includes responses to a number of commonly regurgitated Republican myths. All you need to do is click, print, and keep in your pocket. See this stupidity here ---  What this crib sheet amounts to are regurgitated Democrat lies designed to make us feel better when arguing with Republicans spouting their own lies.  Just how stupid do these parties think the eloctorate is?  Pretty stupid apparently.

Also the e-mail went on to tell me that for as little as a $5 donation I would be “safe” from the Republicans. Now I may be confused, but it seems to me that both parties have forgotten just who it is that ultimately pays the bills. Does anyone in their right mind actually think I should be afraid of Sarah Palin? Or be stupid enough to think that Global warming doesn’t exist simply because it was cold last Tuesday? I just sent an e-mail to a republican friend to see if their party is also sending out stupid “tips” this Christmas season to educate the dummies in their party.
What both these “mainstream” parties have forgotten is that we are all sick of both parties. Rehberg, Burns, and Bush said yes, and hell yes to most any spending that came their way. The Dems whined about “bad” leadership, over spending and Abramoff until they wiggled back into power and what did they do? Put the brakes on spending? Hell No! They are making the Republicans look like Scrooge with their ridicules “stimulus” spending and frightening expansion of government.
The only thing I have been stimulated to do this past couple of years is to yell “I am mad as hell and am not going to take it anymore!” Fellow Bloggers ---- it is time we all take up the cry, no matter what your party affiliation. Where do we find these people?  And more importantly, why are we even sending them 5 dollars?

1 comment:

  1. I notice that not to many people comment on state and national posts. Doesn't anyone care where our country is headed?
