Sunday, April 3, 2011

More on Democrat Boycotts

Anyone been following what has been going on in Wisconsin with the Public Sector Unions and the State Legislature? It seems the Wisconsin State Legislature has passed a bill that would require most State workers to contribute more to the ever increasing health and benefit packages. Of course the public sector employees have taken the matter to court but as the wheels of the courts turn mighty slow the good old Democrats have decided to implement one of their favorite tactics to resolve the matter.

The local council of the State Employees Union is demanding that all businesses display a sign of support for the State employees or face the ever infamous “Boycott” of their businesses. At least we now know that party-line Democrats, whether they be in Havre Montana or in Wisconsin, think alike and will resort to the “boycott” threat when they don’t get their way. Also, not unlike Montana GOP legislators, Wisconsin lawmakers have been receiving threats including threats to shoot them and/or place bombs around their homes.

Fox News has published a related Associated Press article here

1 comment:

  1. wonder how this stacks...
    say, as reprehensible behavior...
    with the other "party" of the grand and glorious parties...
    accepting money and favors from those on wall street who deliberately crashed the market holding trillions from all the u s states treasuries, and bought some more deregulation from washing down...
    a tactic obviously criminal on several levels...
    for which NO ONE has gone, or will ever go, to prison...
    without which, dare we say, GRAND LARCENY, the states would be flush.
    hope the workers win.
    several of the states, it seems, have been exploring the possibility and cost of bankruptcy with the bigger firms on the west coast.
    if not workers don't win, they might head for washington with some rope...
    estimating the height of the light poles would be close enough.
