Monday, January 11, 2010

Top Nine Health Care Charts You’ve Never Seen Before

Trial lawyers are the second biggest donor to the Democrats’ Political Action Committee, trailing only the union bosses of the IBEW.

The “lawsuit industry” gives more money (roughly $127 million in 2008) to Congress than every sector of the health care industry, combined.

Medical malpractice costs continue to skyrocket to new historical highs, growing far faster than any other component of health insurance premiums.

Which makes the percentage of your health premium going to pay for the trial lawyers’ mansions roughly 75%.

And trial lawyers bring in more money than either Microsoft or Pfizer.

Tort reform is an easy way to reduce health care costs without destroying the entire system.

But Democrats — in their current addled state — won’t have a bit of it. They require money, power and control. And the trial lawyers continue to provide them with sustenance.

Source -

We realize that some of our readers think we bash the Democrat Party here more than their share but the fact is stupid is as stupid does which is Democrats cowering to their reelection campaigns instead of the American people whom they were elected to serve and represent. Some Republicans also fall into the problem of also being “campaign” purchased. It would seem to us that these “bad bills” whose passage is purchased by campaign donations cost we the taxpayers more dollars in increased taxes and medical costs then if we just bucked up and purchased some votes of our own for the rights of the taxpayers. Time for a change in Congressional leadership? Your damn right it is! Time to Axe Max and Pester Tester.


  1. This is biased.

    How about showing some charts about the Republicans and their incestous relationship with the Christian right?

    When Karl Rove (who now that he is divorced really should come out of the closet- I can't wait for his crossdressing pics to hit the internet)asked churches to preach from the pulpit that energy deregulation was a Christian principle the entire nation should have gone on strike the next day.

    I noticed that there were no charts presented showing the contributions by conservative (republicans) donors and organizations. Big tobacco comes to mind.

    How about showing a info on how much the LDS church (the morons) spent to defeat prop 8 gay marraige in Califoria?

    The right (that idiot O'really comes to mind)likes to muddy the clarity of mixing religion and politics. It is not about prgressive thinking people taking away Christmas (or as I like to call it "Winter Solstice")

    There are people in this country who are incarcerated, have lost custody of children, and have been denied organ transplants for failing to participate in religious rituals and/or failing religious conversion.

    These are extremely important issues and should be discussed with as much time and space as the lawyers pushing their agendas.

    Yes, there is big money out there, it is very powerful, however, it should never be forgotten that the voters are the shareholders (owners) of this country, and they hold the ultimate power.

  2. Find me those charts DeConstructor and I will post them. I don't think these charts are all that biased. Why should we the people let the big campaign contibutors make all the decisions? It is not the blogs fault that the Democrats are caught here with thier knickers down and thier hand in the cookie jar once again.

    I posted you LDS story so lets see what we get for comments
    Thanks for your opinion

  3. We wouldn't need Health Care reform if it wasn't for the trial lawyers

    Groups of people that can afford to give that much money to lobby for thier right to be able to continue to screw people over need to be regulated, if you want to talk about reforms

    Nothing but a gang of thieves and the sad part is that they run for public office, like Edwards etc

  4. DeConstructor? Are you a gay atheist thats also a liberal?

    You have a lot of hate in your posts and I don't speak agains't gays or atheists or other groups of odd people, why must you? I do speak against stupid liberals however

  5. Sad, very sad.

    Why do you defend these facts that plainly show outside forces making government decisions DeConstructor?

  6. Thanks for digging and sharing the charts. It gives each voting citizen the opportunity to become a little more informed and make something happen when the time is right, i.e., when voting. The real power is with the people if they use it.
